BUY SELL UTS RISING LOOK WEEKLY THEN DAILY WHEN CLOSE (CHART ANY) 1.ftse 3m daily values (occurs once a month?) buy as price rises thro falling bottom edge of price channel20 make 1% then sell 2.ftse 3m daily buy as 2sma rises thro 9sma as long as below mid boll20 and below 26sma make 1% then sell 3.ftse 3m daily (occurs once a month?) buy as price rises thro 10sma or 9sma make 1% then sell 4.ftse 3m daily (occurs once a month?) buy as 2ema rises thro 5ema make 1% then sell 5.ftse 3m daily (occurs once a month?) 3 and 4 combined e2 e5 s10 or s9 buy as 2ema rises thro 5ema or price rises thro 10sma or 9 buy only if all occur on same day and price still below mid bollinger20sor26s and bollinger is wide make 1% then sell FTSE BETS ON DAY HOURLY CHART ON FT.COM DAILY 5s20s50s 6A ftse 5day hourlyDOWN hourdaybet if price rises through 20sma and next hour is down then next HOUR is down 6B ftse 5day hourlyUP hourdaybet if price rises through 4ema and 20sma same hour or following hours then next HOUR is UP 6C ftse 5day hourly hourdaybet price crosses 13sma then next hour is in opposite direction 7A. ftse 5day hourlyDOWN daybet if 5sma falls thro 20sma CLOSE lower that day 7B. ftse 5day hourlyDOWN daybet if 5sma falls thro 50sma CLOSE lower that day FTSE BETS ON NEXT DAY DAILY CHART ON FT.COM DAILY 2s5s20s 8. ftse 3m daily DOWN (or 1m daily) (occurs once a month?) 5sma falls thro 20sma (ignore if cross at start/end of day) then NEXT day falls as well 8A. ftse 3m daily DOWN (or 1m daily) (occurs once a month?) if 5sma is above 20sma and price falls thro 5sma then NEXT day falls as well 8B. ftse 3m daily UP (or 1m daily) (occurs once a month?) price (or 2 sma)rises thro falling bottom edge of price channel20 then NEXT day rises as well DOW BETS ON DAY CHART ON FT.COM DAILY 9. dow chart UP(10)day 15 mins (occurs once a week?) on one day index goes up thro 10sma then up thro 50sma then CLOSE is higher than 50cross 9A. dow chart UP(10)day 15 mins (occurs once a day?) on one day index goes up thro 5sma then up thro 20sma then CLOSE is higher than 20cross 9B. dow chart DOWN(10)day 15 mins (occurs once a week?) on one day index goes down thro 10sma then down thro 50sma then CLOSE is lower than 50cross TRENDS LONG LOOK MONTHLY 10.sp and dow long term years monthlyval sell as index falls through 40sma buy as index rises through 200sma 11.ftse and ft250 long term years monthlyval sell as 30sma falls through 200sma buy as index rises through 30sma 12. ft250 long term years dailyval sell as falls thro 40sma 5 days weekav 2weekav 3weekav 4weekav 5weekav Monthly hi Monthly lo Daily 10 day diff 20 day diff 30 day diff 40 day diff